As some members may have noticed, the pay sheet covering Pay Period No. 7 has incorrect printing with regard to the total gross amount.
The Union has today been advised of this problem by the Payroll Manager, Brian Tebbutt. There has been a meeting to clarify the situation and the Union is happy with the explanation. The Union understands that around 50% of all pay slips may be affected.
Essentially what has occurred is that there has been a failure in the computer programme that prints out (illustrates) your pay on your pay sheet.
The Union can advise members of the following:
- Nett pay is correct.
- Fortnightly pay calculation is correct.
- PCA payment calculation is correct.
- All additionally claimed allowances, e.g. overtime, meal allowance, shift allowances, etc., are correct.
- Taxation calculations for IRD purposes are not affected.
In all cases where the printing is incorrect, members will note that it shows a higher gross pay amount than what it should do. Any member wishing to have the correct printout on Pay No. 7 can obtain this off the Employee Kiosk.
If members have any queries, they should contact the Union Office directly. However, in any event, the important issue is, all correct amounts have been paid into members’ accounts in accordance with their fortnightly earnings.