Proposed arrangements for operating in Covid-19 Alert Level 2

The following is a joint notice from the Local Executive and Area Management about expectations for Level 2:

The Covid-19 crisis has required an unprecedented change in the way that stations throughout the Three Auckland Areas have been staffed for the past several weeks.

Area Management and the NZPFU Local are continuing to monitor the situation and are working together through weekly meetings ensuring the safety and well-being of our personnel.

In this context, when Covid–19 Alert Level 2 is introduced by the Prime Minister, we have considered adjusting staffing arrangements to enable a calculated return to a more “Business as Usual” mode.

How this will look will depend on the guidance provided by the Government, and if it is determined that it is safe for personnel to operate in a more “Business as Usual” mode (with stringent social distancing and hygiene protocols), then we will likely move to that mode of operation.

Planning is underway to return personnel back to their normal stations, and relievers assigned back to their relieving patterns, and overtime restrictions will be removed.

If events or direction from the Government or FENZ dictate otherwise, then we may need to scale our work bubbles back to zone/cluster size, or even station bubbles. Previous experience has shown that we have the capability to respond to events quickly, and if needed, we can return to station bubbles again with just 48 hours’ notice if required.

The controlled changing of shifts is still strongly encouraged, as this will assist with contact tracing if required by the Ministry of Health. However, the change to Alert Level 2 will mean that sometimes this will not be possible e.g. waiting for personnel to relocate between stations on overtime on a 24 hour shift.

Personnel are reminded that it is imperative that strict cleaning and hygiene regimes are maintained and social distancing continues to be practiced throughout ALL alert Levels.

If any personnel are feeling unwell for any reason they should NOT come to work, and seek advice from their medical practitioner.

With the implementation of the above changes, Roster departments in consultation with the Local, shall be able to begin the process of re-balancing any discrepancies in overtime allocation that may have occurred during the Level 3 and 4 restrictions.

A further meeting is scheduled for Tuesday morning (12th May) between Area Management and the NZPFU Local Executive to interpret the information released by the Prime Minister, including deciding a date that “business as usual” (with protocols) may begin. All personnel required to relocate and/or change their current staffing arrangements will be contacted as soon as practicable after 12th May. A further Operational Instruction will be issued then to provide clear guidance to our personnel about the Alert Level 2 arrangements.

If any personnel have any queries, please contact either your Manager or a NZPFU Local representative.

NZPFU Auckland Local President - Sulu Devoe 
NZPFU Auckland Local Vice President - Jeff Shrimpton.
NZPFU Auckland Local Secretary - Marty Campbell 

Auckland City Area Manager - Richard Twomey 
Waitemata Area Manager - Murray Binning
Counties Manukau Area Manager - Geoff Purcell

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