The Northern Branch is aware of the confusion that has been created by Management with their inability to manage the Rosters as well and as competently as our Union members have done, so in an effort to simplify it for Region Management, we are recommending the following procedure.Person rings O.I.C.

  1. Record absence on appropriate form.
  2. Ring your Duty Executive Officer as soon as absence has been notified.
  3. If you can’t get through, ring the Comcen to page Duty Executive Officer to contact station.
  4. Pass on details to O.I.C. next shift to contact your Duty Executive Officer at 0800 hours or 1800 hours to confirm absence notification.
  5. No waiting back at change of shift  – advise Comcen of short crew to change turnouts
  6. K0 if no Officer.

Please record any comments made by Duty Executive Officers.

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Please read to the end.