The Union is strongly opposed to the intention to significantly reduce the PDA to Sprinklered Buildings to, in almost all cases, two pumps.

This is a very poorly thought out and foolhardy move and is being made for little apparent and justifiable reasons. It is outstandingly negligent that resources provided by the community are required to remain idle when there is an inevitability that they will be critically required at a Sprinklered Building incident.

The Health and Safety of firefighters and the public are being unnecessarily put at risk and operational efficiency significantly impaired.

In those areas affected, Locals will be asked to write to building owners where reduced turnout is applied to advise them of the effect of such a reduction.

The Union will be pursuing this with the Fire Service.

The Union is aware that members have been directed to carry out a re-assessment of Sprinklered Buildings using the new criteria which is designed to reduce turnouts.

Members are advised not to undertake this work.

For Business Plans to be amended to include this new work, there must be extensive consultation with affected members. Management cannot unilaterally alter Business Plans objectives, reports, or impose targets.

As well, this reduced turnout position arises out of NRAM work. NRAM is a means to facilitate and agree on the development of a National Resource Allocation Model.

This reduction in turnouts has never been consulted on let alone agreed.

Both procedures for amending Business Plans and the need to agree NRAM outcomes are contained in the Collective Agreement.

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Annual General Meeting

Members are advised that pursuant to Union Rule B.15.11, notice is given for the Auckland Local Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 23 August 2024.


Due to the recent resignation of the Taupo Local Secretary, nominations are hereby called for this position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.

Election of Northcom Representative - Auckland Local Committee

By the closing date for nominations for the position of Northcom Representative – Auckland Local Committee, the following nomination has been received.