Secondment to FENZ Transition Office – Be Careful


Because the FENZ Director and workstream leads have absolutely no knowledge of the Fire Service, its operational functions, the culture – basically how the Fire Service operates.

They need you to provide this institutional knowledge and expertise – they want to take your intellectual property. And it looks like these people who are being paid thousands of dollars a week want to take your intellectual property for free.

Union Involvement

The Union have been told that Firefighters representation (the Union) will somehow be involved in the workstream process – but not how and/or when.

The Union was generally aware that FENZ would be seeking seconding from Operational members – but not when – and FENZ has never approached the Union to negotiate or even discuss appropriate term and conditions, FENZ claims there is a job description but the Union has never seen it.

What does this mean?

Clearly FENZ bureaucrats believe they can unilaterally impose conditions and job descriptions on Firefighters.

Well, the Union says they can’t and won’t.

Conditions like to

  • Return to work arrangements (will you have a job afterwards and what job)
  • What and to what extent will expenses be met.
  • Will you receive anything extra for your intellectual property
  • Will you receive compensation for lost overtime
  • How will your secondment affect your continuous service (for time in rank for example) or any training requirements you have.
  • What is the effect on your Superannuation, or PCA.
  • What guarantee is there, that your absence will be covered by the Fire Service by O/T. Will MSM be maintained?

And no doubt a few more.

The Union says all these things need to be negotiated and agreed collectively before the commencement of any secondment.

It is too late to come to the Union with concerns and complaints after the event.


FENZ bureaucrats need you because they know they seriously lack the necessary knowledge and expertise. They need to take your intellectual property.

The only thing in doubt is whether these very highly paid consultants steal your intellectual property or whether you get a fair reward for your intellectual property.


The Union very strongly recommends to any member thinking of expressing an interest in these secondments to

  • Express your interest
  • But advise the FENZ bureaucrats that they must negotiate with the Union over the terms and conditions for the secondment
  • And that you expect to see – as a result of those negotiations an agreed variation to the Collective Agreement that all members can have confidence in.

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