Members will be aware that because of the secondment of AM Larry Cocker to NHQ for approximately 6 months and the temporary absence of AAM Andy Clarkson from his position, the Auckland Regional Manager recently approached one of our members to carry out a Section 66 appointment.

This member initially accepted the position for a period of 2 weeks to help alleviate some of the workload which was being placed on AAM Richard Twomey. He discussed the contract being offered with the Auckland Local and on investigation it was found that the remuneration being offered was approximately $130.00 per fortnight less than previous Section 66 appointees had been offered.

The Auckland Local contacted both HR and the Auckland Regional Manager and offered the contract that had previously been used for all Section 66 appointments in the Auckland Region. We were advised that this contract was no longer valid as the Fire Service had changed their policy and along with the change in the rank structure, due to the Area concept being introduced, all that could be offered was 90% of the salary the Assistant Area Managers were presently receiving, which was an additional $261-00 per week compared to the $327-00 per week previously paid.

Our member, along with the Auckland Local, decided that this was insufficient to compensate for the change in conditions and he has returned to his normal station and duties.

The Auckland Local would advise members who are considering any of the Section 66 temporary appointments in the future, to consider whether the substantial reduction in the conditions of these appointments is worth it.

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Please read to the end.