Members are advised of a significant change in the way ASL’s are managed due to the SMS Rostering system.

The new SMS system will not carry over any unused ASL’s. The old system used to allow this due to it’s non automation and the non existence of business rules presently written into the payroll program.

ASL’s under the collective (2.7.8) are to be treated as annual leave and therefore (under clause they can be accumulated and taken at a later date after members have written to the CFO requesting the same.

Members are advised to check their allocation of ASL’s in their accrual’s page on SMS and if your anniversary date is due and you have outstanding ASL’s, members should write to their CFO requesting that those outstanding ASL’s be carried over, or take them.

Members who have identified that their ASL’s have already been deleted from the system should do the same.

SMS programmers are working on an automated e mail to members who are approaching their anniversary date and who still have outstanding ASL’s to remind members to either take their entitlement, or apply to the CFO to carry them over.

Should any member encounter any problems in reinstating their ASL’s, they should contact a Union Official.

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