SMS – Annual Service Leave
Service Leave is expected to be taken within the year it is earned. SMS therefore resets ASL balances at Anniversary Date to the 3 or 4 days as appropriate.
On the surface, it appears that any untaken ASL has been lost. This is not correct; it is simply not recorded in the SMS balance. ASL can be accumulated with the agreement of the C.F.O.
Members therefore need to ensure that if they do not intend to use their full ASL entitlement, they must formally approach their CFO to request the untaken ASL be carried over, or they must take them.
If these ASLs are accumulated, this will be accommodated by way of a manual adjustment to ASL balance.
The Fire Service has agreed that in future, an automatic alert will be sent to members, one month before their anniversary date, advising of any untaken ASL entitlement. Members will therefore be advised to either take the outstanding balance, or apply to their CFO to carry the leave over.
TAPs – Translations – F.F. to Q.F.F. to S.F.F.
The “no disadvantage principle” means the following will apply:
At 1 July 2007, with 2 years or more service, or after 2 year’s service, any F.F. who has the Q.F.F. Exam and has attended the Phase 3 Course, will promote to Q.F.F.
- These persons will promote to S.F.F. on the 4 year anniversary of employment if they have passed the S.F.F. Exam and have attended the Phase 4 Course.
e.g. - For those who have the Q.F.F. Exam and attended Phase 3 Course:
a) Commence employment 1 January 2005
- Promote to Q.F.F. as at 1 July 2007.
- Promote to S.F.F. as at 1 January 2009 (if has the S.F.F. Exam and attended a Phase 4 Course).
b) Commence employment 1 January 2006
- Promote to Q.F.F. as at 1 January 2008
- Promote to S.F.F. as at 1 January 2010
Special Leave Entitlements
Members should now have received a letter from the Fire Service confirming their Special Leave Entitlement. If you are unhappy about the entitlement advised, please contact the Union for assistance.
As previously advised, the dates referred to in this letter:
- Until 1 July 2009 to take the leave; and
- 31 October 2007 to advise of selling all or any days
are only guidelines or target dates to assist with planning.
They are not absolute dates – if after 31 October 2007 you decide to sell days – that can still be done. Similarly, any untaken days as at 1 July 2009 will not be lost.