A previous Newsletter advised the Union had sought information regarding the secondment of Larry Cocker to the position of H.R. Projects Manager.

Amongst other things, the Union was wanting to obtain information about what the purpose of the secondment was – i.e. what is the job description of Larry Cocker’s new position – or what are the projects that Larry is managing.

The Fire Service refused to provide the information on the grounds that the release of the information “would prejudice or disadvantage the Fire Service in industrial relations with the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union”.

Further advice from the Ombudsman, who has investigated the Union’s complaint regarding the Fire Service’s refusal to supply the information, indicated that “the project descriptions are so detailed that release of the information would prejudice or disadvantage the Fire Service in industrial negotiations with the NZPFU”.

SO What are the secret projects that Larry Cocker is working on:

  • 56 hour week?
  • All professional firefighters to be sacked?
  • 3 person crewing?
  • Something along the CST lines?

Well, what we can all reasonably assume is it will be nothing good for Professional Firefighters, and nothing good for the N.Z. Public.

In this regard, the Union also notes the appointment of Murray McKee to a new position of Director Policy Strategy & Value.

For those who remember, Murray McKee was one of the leading lights within the then management team that proposed all the above in the 1990s.

The only conclusion to make is with Larry Cocker’s secret job and Murray McKee’s appointment, Fire Service management intends to lurch back to the past – very very bad news for all.

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Please read to the end.