As a consequence of the Special Conference on 13 April 2007, the Union has gone back to the Fire Service to both seek clarification on some details and to propose improvements.

The Union understands the Commission will consider the matters put by the Union on Wednesday 18 April 2007.

A key feature of the proposal considered by the Special Conference is the settlement of the Days in Lieu litigation.

The Conference was fully briefed on this litigation by Peter Cranney, the Union’s lawyer from Oakley Moran.

Any settlement of this litigation involves very complex legal issues and it is vital that members are fully and properly informed of all consequences and implications of any such settlement.

Once the Commission’s response is received and analysed, members will be informed of the details.

The Committee appreciates that members may be frustrated at the lack of clarity at present, but it is vital that when a full detailing of a proposal is provided, those details are correct.

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