The Union refers to the Whole of Country e-mail from the Acting Chief Executive Brett Warwick of 3 August 2009, where he expresses his opinion over the effect of the Union’s Strike Notices for the period 0800 hours on Thursday 6 August 2009 and again from 0800 hours on Thursday 13 August 2009.

In terms of the Strike Notices, the ban on logging onto the Intranet means that access to applications such as S.M.S. cannot occur.

The access to these applications is directly caught within the scope of the Union’s Strike Notices.

Brett Warwick’s e-mail is therefore to be ignored.

Brett Warwick, as the man that has the Fire Service’s cheque book, should spend a little more time constructively responding to firefighters’ legitimate Collective Agreement claims rather than on his first day as Acting Chief Executive, attempting to mislead members.

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Please read to the end.