Strike Action

Further Notice of Strike Action has been filed to take effect from 0800 hours 12 December – 0800 hours 19 December 2009.

The Strike Action is as detailed in Newsletter 45 – 10 November 2009 - for 0800 hours 21 November to 0800 hours 28 November 2009.

Officer Allowance - Alleged Overpayment

The Employment Court yesterday heard arguments regarding the legal authority or jurisdiction of the Employment Relations Authority to determine alleged overpayment claims.

After a 3 hour hearing, the Court reserved its determination.

When the Court’s decision is released, members will be advised forthwith of this and its consequences.

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NTM Regarding Travel Time Payments for Training

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Serious Concerns About State of Emergency Response Fleet

The Auckland Local has serious concerns about the current and ongoing state of the frontline fleet of fire trucks, rescue tenders, aerial ladder trucks and support vehicles throughout Auckland. 

Auckland Local EoY update

Please read to the end.