President of the Auckland Local, Mike McEnaney delivers messages of support on behalf of NZPFU Members.

Supporting the recovery of our Pike 29

On behalf of the Auckland Local of the Professional Firefighters Union, we would like to pass on our sympathy and condolences to you all. 

The Firefighters Union and its members fully understand the struggles that you, as families, are having with your efforts to make entry to the mine drift.

As workers in an occupation where members regularly face serious risks to their lives, we as a Union, understand the difficulties that you are going through regarding your issues. 

Firefighters and miners are closely aligned in terms of the need to support and look after their brothers and sisters within the industry.

To this end, if the Firefighters Union can be of any assistance during your efforts to gain re-entry, we would be more than happy to assist.

We wish you all the best with your future efforts and may you know you have our members’ support.

Yours in unity

Mike McEnaney
Auckland Local
New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union


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