The Tauranga Local is becoming increasingly concerned with the safety and functionality of Tauranga Fire Station and the inconsistency of information regarding its replacement.
Due to the importance of the station to our district capability, its 24hr occupation and its unacceptable seismic rating of 18%, we believe its replacement should be a prioritized and progressed immediately.
To get an understanding of current progress, we ask that management provides the following information to the NZPFU Tauranga Local:
- Copies of all seismic assessment reports for Tauranga Fire Station.
- A copy of the district station model and associated documents.
- Confirmation that the district model has been agreed upon and signed off.
- Tauranga Fire stations position in the national priority list of stations for replacement/remediation.
- Confirmation on the site of Tauranga Station rebuild.
- Timeframes on when design consultation will start with Tauranga operational staff for the new station.
- If an interim station is required, dates when this will be facilitated and staff will be required to vacate current station.
- Project completion date.
- Details of the new Tauranga station requirements including appliance capacity, social areas, office space, bedroom facilities.
- A copy of any Tauranga Station Draft plans.
- Cost and budget of Tauranga station replacement.