Consequent on advice from the Fire Service Chief Executive that he has confirmed the

appointment of Ross Ditmar and Mark Boere to the above positions, the Union has filed in the Employment Relations Authority alleging:

  • A breach of the obligation to put in place a procedure for reviewing those appointments made within the Fire Service that are subject to any complaint by a member of the Fire Service.

  • Breach of natural justice

  • Breach of good employer obligations

  • Breach of requirements to appoint the best person suited to a position

  • Breach of the implied terms of fair and reasonable treatment

The Union is seeking:

  • An injunction preventing the appointments

  • An order requiring a fair process, namely:
    - A right to be fully and fairly heard about the composition of the Review Committee
    - A fair and unbiased review of the appointment process

  • Costs

The Union is also seeking an Interim Injunction to prevent the appointments, and this is to be heard today, Friday 23 May at 3pm.

The Chiefs and Deputies Society has also challenged these appointments in the Employment Relations Authority alleging a breach of their Employment Agreement. Their application for an Interim Injunction will be heard concurrently with the Union’s application.

Because the matter is currently before the Authority, details of both cases cannot be outlined. However, the Union sees the process adopted by the Fire Service, both in the appointments themselves, and in the review process, as being completely deficient.

The Christchurch and Timaru Locals have unanimously adopted votes of no confidence in the Transalpine Regional management as a consequence of the two Assistant Region Commander appointments.

All members of each Local have signed these no confidence votes and this has been forwarded to the Chief Executive and individually to Commission members.

Copies of the Resolutions are reprinted overleaf.

Christchurch Local:

  1. As a result of the recent appointments to the rank of Assistant Fire Region Commander of Ross Ditmer and Mark Boere

    “The Christchurch Local places a vote of no confidence in the abilities of Fire Region Commander Rob Saunders.”

  2. “The Christchurch Local places a vote of no confidence in the abilities of Ross Ditmer and Mark Boere.”

  3. ”Until the issue of the appointments of Ditmer and Boere to the operational rank of Assistant Fire Region Commander has been satisfactorily resolved, the Christchurch Local chooses not to participate in the volunteer placement programme.”

  4. Because the Christchurch Local has no confidence in the abilities of Ditmer and Boere we consider this matter to be a Health and Safety issue therefore:

    “That the Christchurch Local’s elected officials withdraw from involvement in District 
    and Health & Safety Committees and recommends to the National Committee that they withdraw from their respective Health & Safety Committees.”

Timaru Local:

“As a result of the recent appointments to the rank of Assistant Fire Region Commander of Ross Ditmer and Mark Boere, the Timaru Local places a vote of no confidence in the National Commander, Mike Hall, with regard to his part or lack of any part, in the appointment of the recent Regional Management positions of Assistant Fire Region Commander in Transalpine, with particular reference to Health and Safety issues and Rank progression.”

  1. “As a result of the recent appointment to the rank of Assistant Fire Region Commander of Ross Ditmer and Mark Boere, the Timaru Local places a vote of no confidence in the abilities of Fire Region Commander Rob Saunders.”

  2. “The Timaru Local places a vote of no confidence in the abilities of Ross Ditmer and Mark Boere.”

  3. “Until the issue of the appointments of Ditmer and Boere to the operational rank of Assistant Fire Region Commander has been satisfactorily resolved, the Timaru Local chooses not to participate in the volunteer placement programme. This action is to be presented to the other locals of the NZPFU to consider.”

  4. “The Timaru Local considers this matter to be a Health and Safety issue therefore that the Timaru Local’s elected officials withdraw from involvement in District and Regional Health and Safety Committees and recommends to the National Committee that they withdraw from their respective Health & Safety Committees.”

  5. “The Timaru Local recommends that the National Committee reconsiders the Union’s continued participation in the TAPs programme.”

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Annual General Meeting

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Election of Northcom Representative - Auckland Local Committee

By the closing date for nominations for the position of Northcom Representative – Auckland Local Committee, the following nomination has been received.