Members should be aware that due to the continual run down and Band-Aid servicing of the two TTL’s reg. no. OM3919 and NT7872 this local (and senior instructors on these appliances) have little faith in their safe operation.

Numerous reports and appliance fault reports have been submitted by Thorndon staff to the workshops and district management. Reports have included the fact that these two
appliances are 5 years over their “half life” survey and refurbishment. Alas to no avail. Management appears to be reluctant to carry out these surveys, possibly to the detriment of their staff’s welfare and safety.

Currently, OM3919 is at Cable Price workshops to have a surging problem with the hydraulic pump fixed and to fix a jack dropping fault. At least one of these faults manifested itself again today and as such remains off the run until further notice. NT7872 is currently at the workshops as well after Monday morning checks at Thorndon demonstrated another apparent lack in servicing whereby the external speaker by the cage fell off, got stuck whilst housing and buckled quite severely a round on the top extension. This aerial is off the run until who knows when.

Until these faults are fixed, once again, a Band-Aid approach, these aerials will remain off the run.

Members are advised that senior instructor Mike Rodgers will be the only person who will clear these aerials for further use. He will be brought back on OT if need be.

The Local has had assurances from management that the planned refurbishment of 215 city Snorkel will be on hold until these faults are addressed and we have at least 2 aerials for Wellington.

This Local also advises that it is taking measures to ensure that a complete overhaul is done on these aerials, and finding out in fact, who is responsible for this sorry state of affairs. This is just another chapter in the shoddy Wellington Fleet. Management should be ashamed.

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