The Union has agreed to a schedule developed by the Fire Service and Draeger for the replacement of all BA set hoses. At the same time as the hoses are replaced Drager will change the settings on all DSU’s as also agreed by both parties.

The schedule is agreed subject to hose deliveries arriving from Europe, as planned and so there may be some minor adjustments for some areas but they don’t expect major changes. Any change in the schedule will be liaised with the areas affected

The Fire Service have developed the schedule in order to get the high use brigades done as an early priority but also to maintain Draeger’s annual testing obligations. This means that some lower use brigades may be early on in the schedule, but is only because they are due for an annual test visit anyway.

The Union and the fire Service want to emphasise the point that no-one is expected to wear a set with a damaged hose while they wait for their new hoses – i.e if you have a set with a damaged hose, fault it in the normal way and get it sent to the BA Service Hub for assessment even if Draeger are due to replace the hose within a month or so.

The schedule allows for all hoses to be replaced by the end of October 2015.

Draeger have already commenced the work in Wellington, Hutt Valley, Counties-Manukau, Waitemata and some sets at NTC.

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