Members are advised of the results of the election and nomination process recently held.
There will be a ballot for the Presidents position with the nominees being Morgan Wills and Rob Hutchison. Rob has also stood for the Vice Presidents
position so we are unable to confirm the two top positions at this stage.
Positions confirmed are:
Secretary: Ian Wright
Wgtn North reps: Gary Johnston, Steve Hudson and Mike Tofts
Hutt Reps: Brendon Grylls, Danny Beban, Malcom Hodgson
Wgtn South: Steve Field, Shane Hegan
The Wgtn south district is still short one rep, so anyone who wishes to take up position, please contact Secretary. Same applies for Central Comcen,
we have no nominations for this position.
Positions are current from 1 August 2004. Many thanks to those who contributed for the last term and who are standing down this year.
Especially to parting President Jeff Keeys who spent many years on the Local committee.
Ballot papers are being drawn up this week and will be distributed through Local reps so that members can vote.
Non Union Members
Members are advised that the executive met last week to consider and interview each non-member that re-applied to join the union again.
It was felt that it was an appropriate course of action, to talk individually to these people to determine reasons for leaving and to ascertain their
frame of mind in regards to unionism, what it means and their appropriateness for membership.
The interviews were very interesting and the people were questioned at length and intensively.
It was impressed upon these people that from time to time the union asks its members to do things they might not necessarily agree with but because
its for the common god, they are expected to take the unions advice, locally and nationally.
Members will be interested to know that all the applicants spontaneously stated that they have no desire to apply for paper C SO practicals for approx.
3 years. Thereby limiting their promotion prospects for the same period.
Given the rigorous process undertaken, the Wellington Local has no hesitation in recommending 7 of the 9 people interviewed for Union membership.
Members should be aware of the ramifications in regard to confidence should the Local’s recommendation not be endorsed by its members. It will clearly
indicate no confidence in the Wellington Local Executive, especially the Secretary.
Given this, the local asks that members to vote yes to accepting those people recommended by the Local executive.
Members are asked to give consideration to remits for National Conference to be put to the floor at the Wellington Local AGM at a time, date and location to be advised. New Regional Manager Members are advised that the Secretary has written to Mr Butzbach and appraised him of some of the issues the Local has concerns with and would like to get sorted out. These include but not limited to the following
1. Volunteer Districts and District boundaries
2. 24/7 response into volunteer districts of the fastest pump
3. Volunteer inability to respond and replacement by 24/7 cover
4. Pathetic state of the fleet
5. Frustrations regarding Hutt districts station locations / priorities
6. Fire Station dis-repair
7. Line rescue in Wgtn and relationship with Wgtn free ambulance
8. AED Response protocol with Wgtn free
9. Volunteer Rural Fire Force response into urban fire districts
We expect to meet fairly soon to discuss these and more issues including the state of health and safety management in Arapawa. We are realistic in assuming that Mr butzbach will make about as much difference as the last regional manager did. We live in eternal hope