Members may be aware that a live fire training facility is currently under construction at the Royal New Zealand Air Force Base Whenuapai. The facility is currently due for completion at the end of July.
The training facility will eventually allow firefighters the ability to train in live fire scenarios, including firefighting tactics and techniques.
Prior to the facilities opening, the Union has asked from Fire and Emergency the status of the Live Fire Technical Manual.
The development of this manual was a key corrective finding from the recent Operational Efficiency Review of Live Fire that was carried out.
This manual would give clear guidance on operational use of all live fire facilities throughout the country including fire loadings, trainer qualifications, scenarios; thereby ensuring consistency for all staff.
In order to maintain safe systems of work, the Local has advised Fire and Emergency that until completion of this technical manual, and the implementation of all the other corrective actions from the OER review, the Whenuapai Live Fire Facility will not be used by NZPFU members.
The Local looks forward to Fire and Emergency working with the Union, ensuring that all impediments to the opening of Whenuapai are removed.
If any members have any questions or concerns, please contact Vice- President Jeff Shrimpton.